How to string those moments together holding the grander awareness of all that is in this physical form is such an adventure or some might think a delusion. I can’t speak for the rest only myself. But in those moments there is clarity beyond words or concepts just pure connection with source. What I bring back from my travels is a renewed sense of purpose and expanded perception of possibility. I do believe that the imagination is a key to making those leaps or reality slips.
One observation I would like to share is that there truly is something happening at a sub-atomic level creating these portals, worm holes, doorways to open at this time more ever so in history as I have known it in my physical form. There seems to be an alignment going on in the ethers that is creating or awakening consciousness that just could be evolving the formation of a new universe to call reality. It is happening on a wide scale of the population maybe unbeknownst to many but it is occurring. What form will this creation manifest as, is still in the fertilization phase. With any seed it requires the light of sun, nourishment, and most of all tender loving care to bring it to bloom.
To take our rightful role as stewards of co-creation we need to tend our gardens with love and a watchful eye for the weeds of miss-contempt to take hold and over run the grains of possibility, choking them with lack and stunting their growth. Many places on this wonderful planet Gaia has become only suitable for weeds because the love has been lost. More like stolen from us by the glamour of illusion inspiring us to dream for treasure but once found realizing it is only fools gold. Discovering we bought someone else’s dream is often hard to let go of that misplaced loyalty, which only breeds denial, bitterness and resentment to name a few, but most of all the belief of lack and a sense of how things need to be hoarded for a rainy day or kept from the undeserving. Who ever we imagine that might be. What is even more distressful is how we have bought into that system the powerful are more deserving and it is our duty to fulfill their coffers with our blood, sweat and tears but most of all our imagination. The truth is becoming revealed and a storm is brewing, lets make sure that it will just be a passing thunderstorm and not a full blown tsunami drowning everything in its path.
Thunder lightening and rain create negative ions to clear the air and create rainbows. That is one tangible truth we can remember and not get caught up magnetizing the energy with fear and distrust creating tornados of thought harming all in its path. A universal law is that all energy comes to resonance. It is a simple question I pose to you, “do you want your energy to be in resonance with fear or love”? As a co-creator you have the power to stop the flow and reverse the swirl maybe not for the whole planet as of yet, but at least for your own life. Be come aware of your thoughts and question your motivations so you don’t get caught up in others gravitational pull where it becomes almost impossible and you feel powerless to disengage from. Taking responsibility for your power of thought, action and deed is a key to remember. All situations can change because that is inevitable. How they will change is up to you. Remember this once lack goes by the wayside so does greed, hoarding, disease, crime and discontent to name a few of the ills.
Take a moment and breathe in the beauty around you, filling yourself with love and forgiveness and renewed vision of abundance and honor respecting all life as the path you might want to walk upon into this new universe. See the changes as opportunity for re-alignment to the divine! Hold your vision on the love with an open heart radiating compassion for all without judgment.
De light Full Deborah
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