Thursday, August 19, 2010


 I ask myself all the time “why do I believe life has to be hard?” My immediate answer would be “that’s just how we have been conditioned to believe as the role for life experiences to be played.” The funny thing is once upon a time that was my truth but, as I have overcome more and more of the limitations of my conditioning, my awareness and consciousness has expanded the boundaries of my perception. The lines blur and the unseen realms begin to be seen which have at times created tremendous internal stress which brought me to a cross road where I was forced to make a choice: to either accept my powerlessness in order to maintain the insanity defined as reality, or make a change by letting go of my dearly loved beliefs and paradigms of rigid order of rules and reactions that defined life through the physical senses of taste, touch, sight, and sound making the known universe tangible - as all there is. At times it felt like walking through the valley of craziness because things appeared not at all as taught, and much too far fetched for ordinary folks focused on the mundane to fathom.

Having the faith to follow the guidance of my Soul and not allow my ego’s obsessions over mundane concerns lock me into a fearful survival mode, distracting my quest with the illusion of limitation was as slippery slope to climb. As the vastness of our true unlimited potential is perceived this causes new paradigms to evolve with an expanding awareness that roots out the old limitations. This is an ongoing dance that has become more of an adventure than a battle.
Letting go of the need to be a “Warrior” who qualifies experiences as “friend or foe”, in order to follow upon the path of the “Adventurer”, who lives life with gusto discovering new wonders, which can breathe a sense of fun and joy into the physical while lightening the load of life. An authentic freedom begins to be known that can only come from having sovereignty over your own being, and taking responsibility for your own choices will redefine your reality. It is an amazing perspective to feel truly supported by the Divine and have the unlimited power creating reality as you so desire, limited only by your own limitations. Those limitations are only through the addiction or obsession of the tried and true. Often we are blinded by complacency; the lack of vision or fortitude to dig a little deeper into our psyches and question what intentions or belief’s we are energetically aligned with, and learn what resistance we might be carrying holding us in limitation.

I wanted to share some of the questions I ask myself in order to gain more clarity. I hope these questions will help you unlock your own limitations. May they instill an infusion of hope and energy to keep moving beyond the boundaries of ordinary perspective into new horizons of hope and honor to live life in a heart centered manner that is filled with purpose and unlimited possibility.

Do you know what you believe?
How open are we to truly allow a constant flow of life that is one synchronicity after another? How much gratitude do we radiated form our being? How much appreciation do we truly have for the simple moments of basking in the beauty? Do you focus on the lack of what you don’t have, or what it is you want? Can you just stop and smell the roses with out pressure or time constraints? Is worry a constant companion or a forgotten acquaintance? Are you a slave to your thoughts or master of your mind?

Do you know yourself or see yourself? Will others accept you when you are true to yourself, or do you have to be how others want you to be? Are you motivated towards experiences you want, or running from what you don’t want? Do you govern yourself with punishment or by reward? Do you allow yourself to have what you want, or just accept what you get as your lot in life? Is life preordained or created? Do you have the power to change your life’s circumstances, or do the circumstances have the power to keep change from your life?
What does living in the moment mean to you? Can the stillness drown out the chatter, allowing you to perceive living in the moment, or do you need the chatter to tell you how to perceive living? What happens if one moment leads to another synchronicity that your heart desires? Would you feel following the unknown to be exciting or scary? Could you really let go and allow things to energetically align with your intention? Do you really know and feel aligned to what your true intentions are, or are they just a façade for what should be? Can you ask once and know it shall be done, or do you have to beg and plea -reinforcing what you lack?

Are you emotionally aligned to manifest your desires, or do you have some resistance that distorts or blocks your desire from manifesting? Can you surrender the form, or do you have to figure out what the exact form will be that you allow it to manifest as? Do you truly believe in miracles? Can you live your life with miracles being the norm or will they be the exception?

What does it mean to recognize true joy? How do you respond to another’s joy? Can you respond in kind, or is it overwhelming to be around too much exuberance? How important is it to you to always make a good impression in order for others to like you? Do you need other’s to love you so you can love yourself, or can you love yourself and know other’s will love you because you do? Would you believe that others will perceive you as you perceive yourself? Do you see and act to others as how you want them to see and act to you? Are you looking to see the love in life or side-tracked by seeing only the ugly?

Is it safer to be closed off and cautious of your love because you would feel too vulnerable pouring out your love in all thoughts, actions and deeds. Are you afraid to open your heart because that is how others can hurt you? What would happen if you walk through life with your heart open in love would you believe that is how others would respond back to you? What does it truly mean to love? Do you find yourself in love, or do you lose yourself with love? Can you love without exception? Can you love too much, or can there be too much to love?

Can love heal all or is it time that heals all? Has time been a cruel master repeating the same ole record over and over? Do you ever look at the story you are telling yourself? What would happen if you wrote a new script for your passion play? A change in perspective is all that is needed for a transformation to occur. It could be realized easily and simply maybe by; tilting your head to the side, or hanging up side down laughing at the predictability of yourself, this new perspective just might change the whole picture! You have the dials just change the channel, adjust the color settings, maybe lower the contrast or turn on the radio for a new sound tract to go along with the new you. Throw caution to the wind to lighten your load, live in the moment change your perception creating new paradigms. Dream a new universe for all to be in peace without lack. Live in sacred manner, to yourself, those around you, all creatures big and small and most of all with Mother Earth. It is time and it is happening now so take the responsibility and set your self free from the yoke of illusion and limitation so you can fly with unlimited possibility! Let your Soul be your guide so that your ego can be the vehicle to express spirit in action.

De Light Full Deborah

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