Friday, September 3, 2010

Are You Master Of Your Mind ... OR ..... A Slave To It?

Brain Harmonizer
The mind is a funny thing. It can be your best friend or worst enemy. It holds the keys to your reality, and if left on its own accord without a connection to Source / Soul guidance it has a tendency to imprison one with illusion. The mind / subconscious / habitual mind / ego --- it believes it is the master creator for your reality. Its prime directive is to ensure your survival. To ensure that survival it takes control over all data because it is an amazing observer that records every thought, emotion, sensation, belief, action, and knows nothing outside of itself. The problem is that left unchecked it filters all data and limits perception. It judges through automatic responses based upon past experiences and assumptions of what is known. It can become so powerful and controlling that it denies messages from the physical body, emotions, and spirit creating great stress and fear that often leads to disconnecting from the other senses. It is the greatest obstacle on the path of enlightenment. It just knows that you will survive doing its way. It doesn’t matter how emotionally, physically or spiritually painful that way might be for you. It is the master puppeteer of illusion.

Paradigm shift
I never have bought into the metaphysical paradigm that the ego has to die to become enlighten. Try telling that to your ego! It will show you who is boss. I have always thought that it made more sense to befriend the ego because it is just a confused aspect taking on more responsibility (dictatorship in some) then it really is equipped to handle. It is very fixed and mired in the mundane as all there is, adamant that it knows best. It is fearful of information that comes from intuition, emotional sensory, and most of all Spirit. It is willing to do anything it can to hold onto its power over you, that includes lying. Learning to be a mind whisperer you can eventually reprogram it to work in harmony with the other bodies and Soul.

One of the first steps is to become vigilant of the chatter and propaganda it is always playing over and over lulling you into believing. It is so overwhelming with its truth, you succumb to it. Learning to question the validity of its thoughts and follow where they originate from can lead you out of its prison. Deleting, erasing, ejecting old programming as your reality and informing it you have a new reality; and that is….. put in a visual, picture that is rich with you doing the new reality, see yourself having that happen, hear what is said to you using that, feel how it feels having it. Search deep inside for any resistance that might be standing in your way. Don’t judge it just embrace it with love like a child that knows no better. Embrace all those aspects of yourself that have fragmented and feel unworthy. Acknowledge the journey and gift they have given you, but affirm you are consciously choosing a different direction to live your life.

Enjoy and feel how aligned you are to this new reality. This will go on for sometime till the resistance builds up again trying to re-align you to the old. At that point just surrender it to the Divine. The resistance can become so powerful locking your focus into the old. Remember what you resists persists. That is the time when you have to break state and focus on seeing the beauty all around, opening your heart to gratitude. If you vigilantly reprogram or re-align to the love your mind will release the old.
Program Release
Another very important aspect is to root out verbiage in your vocabulary that supports old paradigms and limitations. It is also important to remove words of negativity, and judgment that cause separation, to begin using words and phrases that are more unified in definition. Remember that what ever you say of another the mind believes it is what you are saying about yourself, for it knows nothing outside of itself.

Removing the mind’s filtering devices to allow input from untried sources can be done by learning to trust one’s self and the development of intuition as a reliable source of data. You might begin by just acknowledging the intuition, at first it might be difficult to act upon it, but the mere acknowledgement of its validity will loosen the filters allowing more incoming data for making conscious response. Learning to listen through your body to the subtle clues and energy shifts will ultimately lead to greater intuition.
Higher Vision
Once the mind feels safe that this is a viable source of information it often will relinquish control little by little. Working with your higher self / source creates or re-establishes connection with Soul. With conscious focus weeding out the “known” to following a new course that is Soul directed allows the ego to become the vehicle of Spirit in action. That is a wonderful thing! Believe it or not it is better equipped to follow Soul’s guidance than be the creator of repetitive reactionary responses that is always in a flight or fight state. The oxycotin (love) hormone is much more pleasant and addictive and has the power to heal all aspects of self.

Once you have mastered the mind, then focused intention becomes easier to master and things begin to magically happen around your thoughts. Moving beyond what is known through imagination as the navigator into new worlds and realms of possibility to become manifest.

Delightful Deborah