Friday, September 3, 2010

Are You Master Of Your Mind ... OR ..... A Slave To It?

Brain Harmonizer
The mind is a funny thing. It can be your best friend or worst enemy. It holds the keys to your reality, and if left on its own accord without a connection to Source / Soul guidance it has a tendency to imprison one with illusion. The mind / subconscious / habitual mind / ego --- it believes it is the master creator for your reality. Its prime directive is to ensure your survival. To ensure that survival it takes control over all data because it is an amazing observer that records every thought, emotion, sensation, belief, action, and knows nothing outside of itself. The problem is that left unchecked it filters all data and limits perception. It judges through automatic responses based upon past experiences and assumptions of what is known. It can become so powerful and controlling that it denies messages from the physical body, emotions, and spirit creating great stress and fear that often leads to disconnecting from the other senses. It is the greatest obstacle on the path of enlightenment. It just knows that you will survive doing its way. It doesn’t matter how emotionally, physically or spiritually painful that way might be for you. It is the master puppeteer of illusion.

Paradigm shift
I never have bought into the metaphysical paradigm that the ego has to die to become enlighten. Try telling that to your ego! It will show you who is boss. I have always thought that it made more sense to befriend the ego because it is just a confused aspect taking on more responsibility (dictatorship in some) then it really is equipped to handle. It is very fixed and mired in the mundane as all there is, adamant that it knows best. It is fearful of information that comes from intuition, emotional sensory, and most of all Spirit. It is willing to do anything it can to hold onto its power over you, that includes lying. Learning to be a mind whisperer you can eventually reprogram it to work in harmony with the other bodies and Soul.

One of the first steps is to become vigilant of the chatter and propaganda it is always playing over and over lulling you into believing. It is so overwhelming with its truth, you succumb to it. Learning to question the validity of its thoughts and follow where they originate from can lead you out of its prison. Deleting, erasing, ejecting old programming as your reality and informing it you have a new reality; and that is….. put in a visual, picture that is rich with you doing the new reality, see yourself having that happen, hear what is said to you using that, feel how it feels having it. Search deep inside for any resistance that might be standing in your way. Don’t judge it just embrace it with love like a child that knows no better. Embrace all those aspects of yourself that have fragmented and feel unworthy. Acknowledge the journey and gift they have given you, but affirm you are consciously choosing a different direction to live your life.

Enjoy and feel how aligned you are to this new reality. This will go on for sometime till the resistance builds up again trying to re-align you to the old. At that point just surrender it to the Divine. The resistance can become so powerful locking your focus into the old. Remember what you resists persists. That is the time when you have to break state and focus on seeing the beauty all around, opening your heart to gratitude. If you vigilantly reprogram or re-align to the love your mind will release the old.
Program Release
Another very important aspect is to root out verbiage in your vocabulary that supports old paradigms and limitations. It is also important to remove words of negativity, and judgment that cause separation, to begin using words and phrases that are more unified in definition. Remember that what ever you say of another the mind believes it is what you are saying about yourself, for it knows nothing outside of itself.

Removing the mind’s filtering devices to allow input from untried sources can be done by learning to trust one’s self and the development of intuition as a reliable source of data. You might begin by just acknowledging the intuition, at first it might be difficult to act upon it, but the mere acknowledgement of its validity will loosen the filters allowing more incoming data for making conscious response. Learning to listen through your body to the subtle clues and energy shifts will ultimately lead to greater intuition.
Higher Vision
Once the mind feels safe that this is a viable source of information it often will relinquish control little by little. Working with your higher self / source creates or re-establishes connection with Soul. With conscious focus weeding out the “known” to following a new course that is Soul directed allows the ego to become the vehicle of Spirit in action. That is a wonderful thing! Believe it or not it is better equipped to follow Soul’s guidance than be the creator of repetitive reactionary responses that is always in a flight or fight state. The oxycotin (love) hormone is much more pleasant and addictive and has the power to heal all aspects of self.

Once you have mastered the mind, then focused intention becomes easier to master and things begin to magically happen around your thoughts. Moving beyond what is known through imagination as the navigator into new worlds and realms of possibility to become manifest.

Delightful Deborah

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I savor those moments of absolute perfection. Where there is no thought but only “Beingness” of perception. How I get there or better yet what is it that triggers that state is the true question. The mind recedes but the body feels beyond its wrapper. If I were to describe it: a state kin to liquid light that is. Only a moment in time, but it is like an eternity in being. Calmness of logic filed with a rationale of knowing creating wisdom of intelligence. Having made so many attempts in the past to finally reach out and actually touch the brass ring on the merry-go-round. Magic swirls around like mists of dew on a rose bud, so innocent and pure. Zipping along a beam of light at hyper speed towards an unknown destination but knowing at the same moment. A dichotomy unified with adventure and fueled with imagination to ride the winds of possibility. So often over before it started and back to the awareness of what you know as tangible reality.

How to string those moments together holding the grander awareness of all that is in this physical form is such an adventure or some might think a delusion. I can’t speak for the rest only myself. But in those moments there is clarity beyond words or concepts just pure connection with source. What I bring back from my travels is a renewed sense of purpose and expanded perception of possibility. I do believe that the imagination is a key to making those leaps or reality slips.

One observation I would like to share is that there truly is something happening at a sub-atomic level creating these portals, worm holes, doorways to open at this time more ever so in history as I have known it in my physical form. There seems to be an alignment going on in the ethers that is creating or awakening consciousness that just could be evolving the formation of a new universe to call reality. It is happening on a wide scale of the population maybe unbeknownst to many but it is occurring. What form will this creation manifest as, is still in the fertilization phase. With any seed it requires the light of sun, nourishment, and most of all tender loving care to bring it to bloom.

To take our rightful role as stewards of co-creation we need to tend our gardens with love and a watchful eye for the weeds of miss-contempt to take hold and over run the grains of possibility, choking them with lack and stunting their growth. Many places on this wonderful planet Gaia has become only suitable for weeds because the love has been lost. More like stolen from us by the glamour of illusion inspiring us to dream for treasure but once found realizing it is only fools gold. Discovering we bought someone else’s dream is often hard to let go of that misplaced loyalty, which only breeds denial, bitterness and resentment to name a few, but most of all the belief of lack and a sense of how things need to be hoarded for a rainy day or kept from the undeserving. Who ever we imagine that might be. What is even more distressful is how we have bought into that system the powerful are more deserving and it is our duty to fulfill their coffers with our blood, sweat and tears but most of all our imagination. The truth is becoming revealed and a storm is brewing, lets make sure that it will just be a passing thunderstorm and not a full blown tsunami drowning everything in its path.

Thunder lightening and rain create negative ions to clear the air and create rainbows. That is one tangible truth we can remember and not get caught up magnetizing the energy with fear and distrust creating tornados of thought harming all in its path. A universal law is that all energy comes to resonance. It is a simple question I pose to you, “do you want your energy to be in resonance with fear or love”? As a co-creator you have the power to stop the flow and reverse the swirl maybe not for the whole planet as of yet, but at least for your own life. Be come aware of your thoughts and question your motivations so you don’t get caught up in others gravitational pull where it becomes almost impossible and you feel powerless to disengage from. Taking responsibility for your power of thought, action and deed is a key to remember. All situations can change because that is inevitable. How they will change is up to you. Remember this once lack goes by the wayside so does greed, hoarding, disease, crime and discontent to name a few of the ills.


Take a moment and breathe in the beauty around you, filling yourself with love and forgiveness and renewed vision of abundance and honor respecting all life as the path you might want to walk upon into this new universe. See the changes as opportunity for re-alignment to the divine! Hold your vision on the love with an open heart radiating compassion for all without judgment.

De light Full Deborah

Thursday, August 19, 2010


 I ask myself all the time “why do I believe life has to be hard?” My immediate answer would be “that’s just how we have been conditioned to believe as the role for life experiences to be played.” The funny thing is once upon a time that was my truth but, as I have overcome more and more of the limitations of my conditioning, my awareness and consciousness has expanded the boundaries of my perception. The lines blur and the unseen realms begin to be seen which have at times created tremendous internal stress which brought me to a cross road where I was forced to make a choice: to either accept my powerlessness in order to maintain the insanity defined as reality, or make a change by letting go of my dearly loved beliefs and paradigms of rigid order of rules and reactions that defined life through the physical senses of taste, touch, sight, and sound making the known universe tangible - as all there is. At times it felt like walking through the valley of craziness because things appeared not at all as taught, and much too far fetched for ordinary folks focused on the mundane to fathom.

Having the faith to follow the guidance of my Soul and not allow my ego’s obsessions over mundane concerns lock me into a fearful survival mode, distracting my quest with the illusion of limitation was as slippery slope to climb. As the vastness of our true unlimited potential is perceived this causes new paradigms to evolve with an expanding awareness that roots out the old limitations. This is an ongoing dance that has become more of an adventure than a battle.
Letting go of the need to be a “Warrior” who qualifies experiences as “friend or foe”, in order to follow upon the path of the “Adventurer”, who lives life with gusto discovering new wonders, which can breathe a sense of fun and joy into the physical while lightening the load of life. An authentic freedom begins to be known that can only come from having sovereignty over your own being, and taking responsibility for your own choices will redefine your reality. It is an amazing perspective to feel truly supported by the Divine and have the unlimited power creating reality as you so desire, limited only by your own limitations. Those limitations are only through the addiction or obsession of the tried and true. Often we are blinded by complacency; the lack of vision or fortitude to dig a little deeper into our psyches and question what intentions or belief’s we are energetically aligned with, and learn what resistance we might be carrying holding us in limitation.

I wanted to share some of the questions I ask myself in order to gain more clarity. I hope these questions will help you unlock your own limitations. May they instill an infusion of hope and energy to keep moving beyond the boundaries of ordinary perspective into new horizons of hope and honor to live life in a heart centered manner that is filled with purpose and unlimited possibility.

Do you know what you believe?
How open are we to truly allow a constant flow of life that is one synchronicity after another? How much gratitude do we radiated form our being? How much appreciation do we truly have for the simple moments of basking in the beauty? Do you focus on the lack of what you don’t have, or what it is you want? Can you just stop and smell the roses with out pressure or time constraints? Is worry a constant companion or a forgotten acquaintance? Are you a slave to your thoughts or master of your mind?

Do you know yourself or see yourself? Will others accept you when you are true to yourself, or do you have to be how others want you to be? Are you motivated towards experiences you want, or running from what you don’t want? Do you govern yourself with punishment or by reward? Do you allow yourself to have what you want, or just accept what you get as your lot in life? Is life preordained or created? Do you have the power to change your life’s circumstances, or do the circumstances have the power to keep change from your life?
What does living in the moment mean to you? Can the stillness drown out the chatter, allowing you to perceive living in the moment, or do you need the chatter to tell you how to perceive living? What happens if one moment leads to another synchronicity that your heart desires? Would you feel following the unknown to be exciting or scary? Could you really let go and allow things to energetically align with your intention? Do you really know and feel aligned to what your true intentions are, or are they just a façade for what should be? Can you ask once and know it shall be done, or do you have to beg and plea -reinforcing what you lack?

Are you emotionally aligned to manifest your desires, or do you have some resistance that distorts or blocks your desire from manifesting? Can you surrender the form, or do you have to figure out what the exact form will be that you allow it to manifest as? Do you truly believe in miracles? Can you live your life with miracles being the norm or will they be the exception?

What does it mean to recognize true joy? How do you respond to another’s joy? Can you respond in kind, or is it overwhelming to be around too much exuberance? How important is it to you to always make a good impression in order for others to like you? Do you need other’s to love you so you can love yourself, or can you love yourself and know other’s will love you because you do? Would you believe that others will perceive you as you perceive yourself? Do you see and act to others as how you want them to see and act to you? Are you looking to see the love in life or side-tracked by seeing only the ugly?

Is it safer to be closed off and cautious of your love because you would feel too vulnerable pouring out your love in all thoughts, actions and deeds. Are you afraid to open your heart because that is how others can hurt you? What would happen if you walk through life with your heart open in love would you believe that is how others would respond back to you? What does it truly mean to love? Do you find yourself in love, or do you lose yourself with love? Can you love without exception? Can you love too much, or can there be too much to love?

Can love heal all or is it time that heals all? Has time been a cruel master repeating the same ole record over and over? Do you ever look at the story you are telling yourself? What would happen if you wrote a new script for your passion play? A change in perspective is all that is needed for a transformation to occur. It could be realized easily and simply maybe by; tilting your head to the side, or hanging up side down laughing at the predictability of yourself, this new perspective just might change the whole picture! You have the dials just change the channel, adjust the color settings, maybe lower the contrast or turn on the radio for a new sound tract to go along with the new you. Throw caution to the wind to lighten your load, live in the moment change your perception creating new paradigms. Dream a new universe for all to be in peace without lack. Live in sacred manner, to yourself, those around you, all creatures big and small and most of all with Mother Earth. It is time and it is happening now so take the responsibility and set your self free from the yoke of illusion and limitation so you can fly with unlimited possibility! Let your Soul be your guide so that your ego can be the vehicle to express spirit in action.

De Light Full Deborah

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Part 11   (Here is a short list of possibilities)

As the inner ear awakens to a greater perceptional range of vibration it can be very unnerving until you learn how to interpret this language of light to better flow with the frequencies.

As your vibration rises often your hearing becomes enhanced. Most people only perceive buzzing or a static sound and think they have tinnitus (a ringing in the ears). That is often the initial level of perception but as you become conscious of it you can begin to distinguish subtle shifts in the tone and frequency. It is a powerful signal of what is going on around you. It can alert you to possible disasters / accidents waiting to happen, in other words harmonious or disharmony influences. Sometimes the sound currents open to Angelic choirs, bells, flutes, drum rhythms, energy flows, earth changes such as tsunamis, earth quakes or weather changes. You begin to hear the trees breath and the earth groan.

If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spirit. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once, not only can the body not cope, but it goes through the body and out again and as it does so it affects all electronic equipment. Phone batteries run down exceptionally fast. You might pass by a TV and the channel switches. Wireless frequencies can be felt as an irritating itch, can be perceive as a static pitch that can drone out natures harmonic tones. It is helpful to re-center and clear the energetic space with sound frequencies, sage, or diffusing essential oils to transform the annoying effects.
Electrical shocking will occur when the body is dehydrated and short circuits the body’s electrical system causing a dead battery effect. Lots of pure living water, Bio Plasma cell salts, mud baths, salt rubs, essential oil baths, swimming, spending time in nature will help to discharge this energy in a more beneficial manner.

Due to the increase of electrical wires running above ground across the landscape, microwave towers wireless devices, cell phones and fluorescent light bulbs cause what is known as dirty electrical currents that affect the body in profound ways causing a large range of energy distortions producing a laundry list of symptoms that causes physical ills in the nervous system, glandular, hormonal, as well as, creating stressful mental and emotional states producing dysfunctional behavior changes and personality disorders. The ramifications of EMF currents are not being considered in modern allopathic medicine. Running copper shielding can alleviate some of the fallout as well as placing crystals electric boxes, making orgone energy devices will help to counter act these influences.

Light takes on a new quality and intensity that seems to be more shimmering and with a pearly luminous, thus awakening you to be able to perceived subtle gradations of color. The atoms of air dance for you, the air seems to be a jiggling gelatinous substance as make that deep heart connection to the infinite Divine. You might close your eyes and geometric symbols, patterns and colors are seen through your 3rd eye as if your eyes are open. At times vision will be blurred as you learn to adjust to fine tune your depth perception, as multi-dimensional sight and the unseen begin to reveal themselves. What is happening is your 3rd eye and 2 physical eyes are triangulating a new dimension reality of clairvoyant seeing. A knowing for understanding the language of light, download from the soul into the heart for communicating and connecting with the all. Grids and auras appear around all living things as you connect to that life force and expand awareness to see beyond.

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Things might shape-shift in and out of focus, light orbs might zip by, light seems to dim and intensify in waves, light beams reflect off of what seems like mirrors beaming a Morse code, things might shimmer like a mirage, opaque things become transparent and light energy feeds the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Try yawning to shift the energy. Honey and water ointment can soothe the eyes, if you have a sty – made a paste from water and slipper elm. Colloidal silver works well too.

A natural knowing is perceived when hooked up to Divine Source. All of a sudden can hear what people are thinking before they say it. Know who is on the other end of the phone before you answer it. Call someone or show up as they are talking about you. Can feel residue thoughts vibrating in a space long after the occupant left the space. Electronic Voice Phenomena, EVP begin to be perceived but use discernment as to what they say to you and how you allow it to affect you.

You will find that dogs and cats, birds, dolphins and all creatures big and small, will become aware of your energy; could be frightened by it or drawn to be around it all the time. Many animals can't get enough of the energy. Others are somewhat frightened because they do not understand it and are not as telepathic. You also open to understanding them and better able to communicate on a telepathic level. They have a lot to say! Birds and insects come when you call them to eat the mosquitoes to keep nature in balance. You crave spending time in nature.

The veils between realities are thinning allowing the unseen realms to be seen and interacted with. As we raise our vibration we naturally become more attuned to subtle perception opening what is known as psychic abilities. This might come in the form of clairvoyance, clairaudient, empathic, telepathic, psychometry, all intuitive abilities known as ESP – (extra sensory perception) heighten through raising ones energy vibration which leads to greater conscious awareness.

We begin having awareness of moving back and forth through dimensions and bleed through of parallel lives we are simultaneously living. This is very disconcerting at first and many people begin to feel like they are going crazy because it is so contrary to the consensual consciousness of the masses. It is natural to first rationalize the experiences as not reality but they are real and once you are able to accept them without resistance the easier life becomes. A door opens to greater possibility of un-limitedness that transcends the physical realm laws of nature. The ego surrenders to the Soul and becomes a vehicle of expression on the physical plane. You become Soul infused and or enlightened.

It is a razors edge because it requires a surrendering of all that you hold dear as beliefs in order to venture into a magical realm of miracles. Letting go of the ego’s need to control and dictate a reality that is known and familiar to one that is unknown and scary-cite (scary but exciting at the same time) it is not easy. Embarking on this journey you will encounter resistance from all walks of life, causing great fear and stress that can harm your sense of sanity if you are not ready and at a vibrational rate that can handle this increase flow of energy, and perception. The heart will guide you with great love the mind will trick you with the familiar.


Time Anomalies:
Time anomalies such as: missing time or gaining time. Confusion as to what day it might be, you go through the day thinking it is Friday and wake up the next day and find out it is Friday all over again or it could be Sunday. I personally like it when I gain a day as opposed to losing one. Suddenly you have a lapse of memory while in the middle of a thought. You are driving along and a red car is in front of you but the next moment the same car is behind you. Things seem to repeat like a song on the radio or news bulletin.

Things disappearing and /or appear
Your glasses get lost in the creek and a week later they are on the bathroom floor. You lay something down in front of you but it isn’t there when reaching for it a moment later. It can make you crazy looking for it, just wait till you get back to that reality shift and it will be exactly where you put it.
You want spaghetti sauce but not on your shelf because you ate the last jar yesterday but you reach down and a dusty jar of it appears. Sold out of your favorite treat but a lone package of it arrives on the grocery self waiting for you.
Whatever are focus is upon we draw to us. Things come almost immediately if you get out of the way and surrender to have things are with ease and delightful miracles.

Objects move from one locale to another, or back and forth through time. A parcel arrives before you order it. You reach down without thinking and whatever it is you desire can be waiting on you. Don’t think about this as illogical or to far fetch because it is a possibility.

Spontaneous healing, looking younger, things change in appearance, hair and nails grow fast. You live more heart centered and in the moment in a state of loving grace each moment a new adventure. You might have had your tonsils removed as a child but you have tonsils all of a sudden.

You might find your self engulfed in a strange mist or fog. It could seem like your looking through a gelatinous substance. Depth perception plays tricks on you, for example: the distance from your door to a tree might seem greater, or shorter. Funny Beings might shape shift out of a tree for a moment. Someone you are with starts to fade or become transparent in front of you. A feeling of expanding, elevating or elongation followed by a contracting sensation much like shrinking. You might be looking around you and all of a sudden the room seems to shift like being in a fun house or it looks almost identical but something is amiss like a different door. A moment of suddenly feeling lost in your own backyard. You get a sensation of walking past someone and can almost hear a conversation going on. Deja’vu, goose bumps, hair stands on end or maybe you sense a sudden chill or heat pocket.

Working with nature Devas and elementals, to assist with weather patterns and Gaia’s ascension. Creating a new reality based on honor, integrity and unity that respects all life. Learning to be good stewards of the earth resources, learning to shared with all the fruits of its bounty, in a manner that does not deplete but replenishes the resources so that there is a supply of unlimited abundant resources for all.

De Light Full Deborah

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This is an update to a file that I wrote years ago. It is worth reviewing since we are in the thick of great transformational change. It is a global awakening, and it is happening, don't lose faith! People are waking up!


This is quite common and part of the process. Just ride it out and don’t take antibiotics which will only prolong the process. These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand and open. Whatever was constricting or congesting the chakras is flushed through the blood and body wastes. Also as new beliefs and paradigms become enacted the old imprinted consciousness in the blood becomes toxic to the physical system because it does not support the new thoughts thus contributing to the confusion in the physical form.

It is helpful to supplement the body with blood fortifying enzymes, herbs and essential oils to ease the symptoms. Supplement the immune system with colloidal silver and colloidal gold, which can transmute the viruses and bacteria in your system. Hot lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body. Take it easy with your work / reduce stress / don’t impose ridge routine too much during this time, because you are going through a major shift in vibration. So be loving to your physical body, stay in a state of gratitude take a few extra moments or more to connect with the beauty and love around you, and spend some extra time communing with nature and feel its immense healing power feed and nurture your soul. Affirm your power to heal yourself and know this is just a healing crisis that is discharging the distortions in your energy field and form.

Imprints of potential disease that are held in your genetic DNA, and /or Akashic records causing what is known as karmic imprints. These diseases can be personal or planetary. There are beneficial viruses that help the ascension process. They help to burn off doss or distorted patterns of imbalances repeated over lifetimes causing a groove in your Akashic and Genetic records creating a permanent distortion or schism in your energy pattern body. Viruses help to surface these patterns so that the schism can be cleansed and corrected to reflect the Divine blueprint. You might experience on an accelerated rate symptoms and ails of a disease but it passes in a matter of days and weeks. Viruses can bring on these diseases to be cleared and healed in a rapid manner for a short time. It is important not to get attached or own the disease it is just part of the illusion of disease. There is a fine line between being an ostrich and a hypochondriac, and if symptoms persist for weeks on end and your body wisdom /intuition is struggling then get medical advice.


When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful experience. It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted. Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster headaches. Women seem to experience them more than men. They can be caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by hormonal changes which occurs when the chakras are stimulated. Sometimes the pain can be eased by asking Spirit and your Higher Self to make an adjustment in the energy flow. Part of this process of higher consciousness is to become responsible for your own healing journey and doing meditations and other supportive measures such as homeopathic remedies, essential oils, herbs, toning, prayers to move the distorted energy through your form, and ease the pain that comes from opening and expanding your pineal or pituitary gland. As your vibrational rate increases, the pineal and the pituitary glands expand to accommodate the higher energy frequencies that rejuvenate the physical form and seat the soul within the physical, emotional, and mental bodies.

Cooling the head with water and ice on the neck alternating with heat at the sacrum can bring relief by pulling down the excessive blood that causes the head to throb, (“Head On” product is good to rub on temples; it’s a homeopathic balm) The neck has to do with control issues and holds old memories and beliefs that are in the process of being released. Stiff neck, whole cervical and spine region is sensitive the homeopathic Cimicifuga is helpful, dull pain at top of neck nape and stiffness between shoulder blades cause by the resistance when aligning to Divine aspect calls for the homeopathic Causticum, Pain down right side of neck and upper arm / shoulder and a sore throat is often caused by a Karmic encounter with someone, place, or thing that has causes a rift in the Akashic records – (an example is maybe taking on something that isn’t yours, enabling, giving power away, etc) Lacnanthes is the remedy for that, Pain at top of nape of neck – crick in neck can be cause be old memory imprints that inhibit expansion, the mineral Choline is helpful and homeopathic Dulcamara. Temple headaches like a band around it are often fear based and the Bach remedies Mimulus and Aspen and or homeopathic Gelesmium can help with them. Chiropractic and Cranio Sacrum therapy can help to get the energy to flow releasing the distortions.


Increasing your vibration forces the energy through the physical body from the etheric body. When there are blockages impeding the energy flow this causing these symptoms and ails. Often this is alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self to adjust the flow to ease the pain. The body can quickly adjust to the higher vibration in a few moments, hours, or days. Arnica is the standard homeopathic remedy for muscle pain, also homeopathic Quinine helps with leg craps and /or calcium feeds the foundation. Magnesium gel / oil is a great pain reliever.

Homeopathic good for supporting muscles and nerves are Phosopboric, Calc. flour, Calc. phos. Swollen joints are caused when energy is stagnating Ledum is the remedy and when they are burning and itching try soaking in cool water and the homeopathic Urtica can bring relief. Joints feel bruised and /or painful due to resistance - Arnica. Pain moving from joint to joint Pulsatilla is good for that. Lower back pain can be cause by loss of Ancestral records and karma deferred from ancestral lineages. Scar tissue is a hardened or calcified form of matter that can neither digest nutrients nor detoxify and is a result of missing or distorted genetic records that might have false imprints causing problems with Ascension or allowing higher frequencies to flow. One of the homeopathics – Nux, Bryonia, Rhus tox, Aesculus might be of benefit. Sea salt baths with essential oils and or mud baths, massage, yogi, dance, chanting, can all be beneficial. When the body is too acid it causes stiffness and reduces flexibility, it is important to become a little more alkaline to hold the energy frequencies.


This is a common reaction when the solar plexus chakra opens and releases the stored fear, anger, resentment or any dense emotion not of love held in the area. Karmic and family issues will produce gas and farting. The Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can ease these symptoms. Don't be afraid to take it every 30 minutes if necessary. Getting your system alkaline will help too. Kava, passion flower, calcium and backing soda will help to calm the problems. Weird food cravings will also plague you. Go with it and it will pass.


crying for no reason, this is how the emotional body reacts when releasing blockages from this lifetime, and other lifetimes. The Photon Belt energy coming onto the planet stimulates and contributes to the spontaneous release of these burdens. Trying to control or resists these urges further represses and blocks the energy making things more difficult. We are becoming more empathic and telepathic so we feel more of what is going on around the globe to Mother Earth and the struggle of the mass consciousness

Crying, moaning, sobbing or toning sounds can cause a cleansing release. Use Bach rescue remedy, or an essential oil to help with the emotional body. Homeopathic remedies chamomile. The herb passion flower helps to protect one in dream states and astral plane influences and valerian is calming and Chaste Berry helps to soothe the passions.

A very common symptom caused by an increased rate of vibration. This higher frequency forces any illnesses, viruses, or infections hiding in the body to surface. To discover the root-cause contributing to this state examine your beliefs and perceptions for your decisions that are creating your reality. It is also important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you are creating for yourself. Observing and realizing the state you are experiencing is not caused by the present allows it to quickly pass. The herb "St. Johns Wart" eases depression and is anti-viral too. Homeopathic – Ignatia will help with grief, Chamomilla for anger, Hyoscyamus for jealous or unworthiness feelings and the need to run away.


This is a symptom experienced when the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge to receive more energy. Pain sensations in the heart and not being able to breathe can be very frightening because you may think you are having a heart attack. The above symptoms are caused by the expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra (heart and stomach area). The best solution is to relax which will adjust the energy flow. Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy thus, causing a more severe reaction. This is a normal experience when undergoing a frequency increase. Homeopathic Ipecac helps when feeling cold and clammy while gasping for breath. Often this occurs because the Spirit and physical forms are not in alignment. Ask your higher-self to make this alignment.


These are commonly experienced by both men and women. This is due to energy flowing too quickly through the body, hormonal changes, which men have too, and the body learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate. Heat will radiate off the body as it is burning old karmic thought patterns.

Some men might feel like they are growing breasts, due to puffiness from fat being stored in the chest area. If you are a man don’t be concerned about this, it will only last for a short while. The layer of fat acts like a tuning fork for radiating greater compassion vibrational frequencies. I found the homeopathic remedies: Bryonia for breast tenderness, Lachesis for sudden hot flashes, Lycopodium, china for when there is a great loss of boy fluids, Extra Vitamin B, Zinc, and Bio plasma cell salts, and of course lots of pure living water.


The skin is your largest organ and an antenna that holds innate knowledge like that of the Animal Kingdom and has great ability for perceiving subtle energy. It is also the envelope that holds the physical form, it is a thermostat for homeostasis with the environment and is a sheath of protection from the elements and gives us autoimmune protection. It is constantly detoxifying the body. Rampant out breaks of candidiasis, boils, and eczema seem to be stimulated with raising ones vibration. The skin is linked to the liver and expels the harden anger, shame, confusion and irritants we feel from our pent up emotions, and are a direct reaction to the environmental pollutions. Similar to the canary in the mine. Oil massages, Saunas, salt rubs and baths, mud wraps, swimming in natural water sources help to calm the skin. The homeopathic remedies: Cantharis, Rhus tox, Apis, Ledum are good to relieve, burning and stinging effects. The Bach flower remedy Crab Apple helps to ease one’s shame. Washing with vitamin c helps to calm and detoxify as well as strengthen the immune system. Alkaline foods will help also deter rashes.


Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common. This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole spiritual body. This will pass in time, each person has a different time frame for some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you wonderful boosts of energy when you are lacking it. Drink lots of pure water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to energize the water. Eat light meals with organic veggies. Doing light physical exercise will stimulate the energy flow through the body. Bach flower essences Hornbeam and Oak remedies, and essential oils will also help the transition. When energy is shifting there is a tendency to yawn which helps to make the adjustment to higher frequencies.


You go early to bed, exhausted, but in a couple of hours you are wide awake. This is caused by the Photon Belt energy accumulating around you, because the body’s inability to store the energy because it is blocked and congested. It is important not to get up and be active because the energy is for healing all the subtle bodies spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, the best way to assimilate the energy is to quietly sit and read, or listen to meditation tapes to help you go back to sleep. This might seem to occur nightly for some time. Homeopathic Lachesis to calm great talkativeness. Sleepy time tea or a combination of passion flower, valerian, catnip and other calming herbs like chamomile that have calcium and vitamin c will help get you back to sleep. Stay away from anti-histamines because they dehydrate the body and acidify it.


This is a very common complaint. The body feels like it is being invaded so it adds a layer of protection. If you are a Lightworker then additional water is needed for flushing the energy. If you don’t have enough water the body will store water causing edema, which ultimately leads to stagnation. Another major factor is that with the activation of new DNA fat is needed to hold the vibration. Body fat holds a higher vibration which is necessary to generate healing and channeling energy. Many of you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding where you live. Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the energy. Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiments to assist mother earth in holding her vibration. In becoming crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to hold a new vibration. There will be a time that this extra weight will release.


This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away. YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, and there is no time limit on this. When you can’t think take Zinc with food. As we learn to live more in the moment it is a natural occurrence not to remember the trivial past. Remembering is a function of the mental body’s rationalization and has a way of filtering out intuition or subtle perceptions of energy and body wisdom.


Feeling ungrounded or caught up in someone else’s energy field and their gravitational pull. When earthquakes or other earth/ weather changes occur will begin to become aware of them and can make things feel like you are spinning. Stop and notice your surroundings and get into the moment transmuting that chaotic energy of the mass consciousness.


As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B vitamins and a multi vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy – Gelesmium when feeling shaky or shattered and /or Bach rescue remedy to help with the extreme sensitivity. Allergies will crop up suddenly.

Too be continued in part II  Symptoms Of Higher Vibrational Awareness

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Buffy and Me

I was eleven that summer my parents allowed me to spend it on the big game ranch that my uncle was the foreman. It might have been intended as a punishment of sorts but it was heaven for me. A large herd of Appaloosa ponies to watch and get to ride on occasion, fields of hay to run through with my dog Oscar, cherry trees laden with fruit and lots of home baked pies. I would rush trough my chores of feeding the assortment of poultry, gather the eggs, water and weed the garden.

Then I could visit the doe herd and play with their fawns, the deer loved to nuzzle me for treats and whisper their secret messages for me to deliver to the stags a good two hour walk across the rolling hill meadows. If I dawdled too long at the stag pen the walk home would became very hot in the afternoon sun. It was easy for me to lose track of time relaying the messages from their beloved does and telling them of the new fauns and they would give me a message to take back. The young bucks would always have the most to say, thrilling me with their antics of prawlness. Some times to get back on time I would take the forbidden short cut, only if no one was around to see me cutting through the range where the herd of buffalo roamed. Always cautious to avoid them because they were wild and told they didn’t like humans. They were really big and I respected that.

One day there were many riders gathered around the buffalo, knowing one was pregnant and due anytime now. I stood on the fence railing and waved desperately wanting to have my uncle pick me up and take me over to witness the birth. It seemed like an eternity before he came over and the look on his face told me something was wrong. I notice that the buffalo had moved away leaving the new born. I was devastated thinking it was dead and my Uncle then told me that the mother rejected the calf and it most certainly would be dead in a matter of hours. I asked if something could be done and he said it was just a fact of life and there was no one to take on the added burden of a new born. “Let me take care of him and feed him, oh please, please, please let me do it” was all I could say. He looked me in the eye and said “it will be a big responsibility are you up for it?” “Yes, yes I can do it I am strong and will nurse and feed it!” “PLEEEze.” Giving him my most heart wrenching look. It worked because he called out to the hand and said “let’s take him back to the house.”

He pulled me up in the saddle and started telling me what I would have to do. The calf was in bad shape already, dehydrated and famished not able to hold its head up. I knew that he just needed some TLC. As soon as we arrived home I began by making a place in the barn for him, and learned to mix the formula so that I could proceeded to feed him. When he refused to eat my heart sank but I wouldn’t give up and sat with him signing and stroking his soft hair, and kept putting the nipple into his mouth for him to take a few sips off the bottle. It was the wee hours of the night when he finished his first bottle, that’s when I was called into the house and to bed. I didn’t get much sleep worrying that the coyotes would get him or he would die in the night but to my delight he was still alive in the morning.

For the first couple of days I was inseparable from him, afraid to leave his side till he got out of the woods. He seemed to grow stronger and stronger by the hour and a few days I was able to resume my courier assignment for the deer. Once back on the job I told them all about Buffy and they seemed interested in his progress. That was my first encounter with a buffalo. What a blessing to be given the chance to nurse a calf back to life. It was maybe two weeks and he was a big as me. Me and Oscar would spend hours with Buffy in the barn or pasture playing tag or singing to him. I think he like that a lot and my uncle said that was probably what saved him.

That summer ended in a bitter sweet note because the day before I was to go home Oscar got killed by a hay baler. He was probably chasing a rabbit and got caught in the blades. It broke my heart to lose my childhood companion of ten years, but I don’t think Oscar wanted to go back to the city and he was getting up in years. I think he lived his life to the fullest doing what he loved.

Spirit Guide

I never saw Buffy again but my connection with the buffalo wasn’t severed. One of my first Spirit guides that appeared to me in healing sessions was White Buffalo Calf Woman. She was a wonderful teacher through the years, helping me find my connection with spirit and learn my healing arts.

On occasion a buffalo would appear in my dreams and it always felt like it was Buffy coming to visit. I remember back in the late 80’s when the first white buffalo was born and how I wanted to make the trek to see it but is wasn’t till years later that I did.

Dream Vision

I remember that dream I had in June 2004 during the Venus Transit, like it happened yesterday. I was camping at a folk festival. It was so real and the message was so clear.

In my dream I was walking down the narrow streets of what seemed like an old world village. The buildings where two and some three story adobe clay, they did not seem to have many windows in them and the doors seemed to be made of really old wood that was thick and heavily latched. Thinking it was siesta time because I could feel the late afternoon heat, and the shops along the streets were closed and deserted. I didn’t feel lost but didn’t know where I was going either.

I had a companion with me who I knew but couldn’t tell you who she was. She was full of anxiety, glancing from side to side as if looking for someone to jump out of the shadows. I felt safe and told her not to worry that we would get back in time. (For what I am not sure.) Every so often we would pass by someone and they would smile or wave but did not stop and talk. I think she was relieved that they didn’t.

Through the years of traveling I had a rule and that was not to get on boats or cross borders with certain people because they just couldn’t handle getting out of their comfort zone, and ultimately rain on my parade when they did. I was getting the feeling she was one of those people. We began walking faster and when we turned a corner I spied an old friend.

He opened his arms to greet me with a hug and kiss. It felt good to be in his arms again. “Let me look at you sister” he said and continued with “you are a vision for sore eyes”

I said to him “ it always amazes me who you meet in the middle of nowhere”
He laughed and hugged me again. “Hey would you like to see what all the commotion is about?”

Not knowing what commotion he was talking about because the town looked downright deserted, I nodded my head in consent. He wasn’t waiting on an answer knowing me and my spirit for adventure, he had already turned to open the big massive door in front of us.

I turned to introduce my companion, and noticed she was white as a sheet which shocked me. Dumbfounded by this reaction I whispered to her “what’s up?”
She said “But he’s a street person, how do you know this guy?”
“What? He’s an old friend!” I answered.
“Well I am not going in there with you, and you shouldn’t either!” She said emphatically.
“Well I am going!” not liking to be dictated to I answered a little sharply.

She touted back “you will just have to go alone because I am not going to set foot in that place!.” She declared and walked off in a huff. I turned back to my friend and shrugged my shoulders in disbelief, as she walked off. Being dumbfounded by her rude behavior, I just followed him in silence. We walked single file down a steep and narrow corridor that was barely lit for some ways. It was strange because I remember feeling kind of out of breath as if I was walking high in the Andes, but we were going underground. He kept mumbling “you are going to be surprised, what a blessing this is.” I felt excited about what we were going to discover when the corridor opened up to a wide arena full of people standing shoulder to shoulder forming a circle around the edge. I knew that this was some ceremony of sorts.

When my eyes adjusted to the light I gasped with delight to see a white buffalo in the middle. He came over to me and I could feel his hot breathe, smell his pungent odor and gazed transfixed into his beautiful brown eye. I think he winked to me in recognition. As I reached out to touch his soft fur I was once again eleven years old with Buffy. I don’t know how long I was down in what seemed to be a Kiva, but time was up and the group began to file out in respectful silence. I cherished the honor that I was given to be part of this ceremony and quieted my questions till we got back into the alley.
“Wow, thank you for that blessing!” is all I could say.
He answered with a peculiar statement, “it won’t be long now, just eight more years to wait.”

“for what?” I chimed in. That’s when he said the most peculiar thing of all…

“Life As We Know It Will No Longer Be The World As We Know It Today”

The energy behind what he said felt good, not like it was a dire prediction but a fact of some grand event of change for the better to come about. Inside me I knew that this is what I was here for too. I could feel a great sense of purpose and relief that the ordeal was soon to be over. I was lost in knowing but at the same moment not knowing.

Saying again to me “Not Much Longer!” In a way that emphasized for me to have patience, and not lose hope. Smiling with love he game me another hug ---- And turned walking away.

I stood for a moment to grasp the beauty and wonder of the blessing I had been given, wanting to remember all that occurred and the feeling of relief of knowing not much longer, before we would know life differently, I sighed with relief, renewed with knowing faith and patience.
I woke to the song of the whip-o-will overhead.

Life As I know It!

The funny thing is that life as I knew it or should I say what was taught to me is not the life I am now learning to co-create. The one thing that taking the photos has shown me is that life is totally different than what I thought it was! It is so much more, and I want to shout it from the roof tops for all to hear, but knowing most can not hear! Yet that is!


De Light Full Deborah
