Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Photos of Nature Spirits / Devas and the “Unseen Realms”.

Photo Alchemy a mirroring process that opens portals revealing worlds, many of these worlds we have heard stories about, but masked as myths and fairytales, or we have visited in our dreams.
These unseen / hidden realms have been patiently waiting for us to wake up and come play with them.
If there is the existence of other dimensions and beings that can communicate with us, then the world we call our reality is really just an illusion, and all the concerns we busy ourselves with are only limitations we have created to keep us in separation from the truth of our unlimited potential.
Opening the portal we see into multidimensional realms that can be beautiful, whimsical, fascinating and / or frightening depending on how you look at it. Entertain the possibility of all!

Check out my first you tube video....

Take a peek into the "Unseen Realms"!!!
Delightfull Deborah